

One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds.
Mahatma Gandhi

A masterpiece of investigative journalism and alternative scholarship, elegantly written
Christopher Bird

Dirty Medicine embodies investigative reporting at its best.
Townsend Letter for Doctors


A Cat in Hells Chance

By The Campaigners Edited by Anny Malle
published by Slingshot

2002, 220 pages, 195mmx125mm, softback.

When Cynthia O’Neill’s cat Snowy was stolen from a small village in Oxfordshire, England, the thieves, who probably sold animals to local laboratories for vivisection, could have had no idea of the chain of events they would set off. The theft of her cat led Cynthia into a battle royal with the nearby Hill Grove Farm which bred cats for vivisection. A Cat in Hell’s Chance tells the story of a crusade started by a political novice, which gathered momentum over ten years and became a mass movement which, after battles with Oxfordshire police, many arrests, court appearances and jailings finally shut down Hill Grove Cat Farm.
A Cat In Hells Chance £7.50 plus postage

The book, written almost entirely from contributions by campaigners, tells the true story of one of the most effective campaigns against the breeding and sale of animals for experimentation and vivisection. It also traces the development and the coming to consciousness of a retired Queens Nursing Sister who cast off her more respectable life to commit herself utterly to the cause of anti-vivisection. Cynthia O’Neill was tried and arrested on a number of occasions and spent frequent periods in police custody.